Tuula Silfver is responsible for the training organized by Index IT. She is a well-liked trainer with extensive experience in both individual and group training. The training can be customized according to the customer's needs and wishes. We offer training services for all the systems we deliver and related products and technologies, such as:
- Oxygen Web Author
- Oxygen XML Editor
- Fonto Editor
- Adobe FrameMaker
- Indox Cloud
- Structured content management

Training packages
DITA and structured content management 1 day training. The training covers the basics of the DITA standard and structured content management, for example:
- DITA terminology
- DITA markup and different topic structures
- DITA links
Adobe FrameMaker user training. The training can include, for example:
- Author functions
- Master user functions, e.g. EDD and page templates
Structured content management in Oxygen Web Author or Fonto editor 1-day author training in the Indox cloud service.
The trainings are typically organized at the customer's premises. Maximum of 10 participants. Prices from 900 euros/participant/day